Creating TradingView Alerts for InsiderFinance ALGO

by InsiderFinance Team on 03/30/2022

Our proprietary technical analysis system built on TradingView takes the guesswork out of reading charts and automates complex analysis so you can trade confidently.

Access is included with every subscription to InsiderFinance, and instructions are in this short article.

Once you’re granted access to the InsiderFinance ALGO, you can create alerts in TradingView for long/short signals and trend changes for any ticker or time frame you choose using the below instructions:

1. Click Create Alert.

2. Select INSIDERFINANCE ALGO as the condition and make sure you see "Any alert() function call".

3. Choose how you want to be notified (in app or through pop-up), name your alert, and click Create.

That's it! You should now receive alerts for long/short signals and trend changes on your mobile device or desktop through the method you selected.